Notice the date? Our Mighty Margaret is one whole month old!
😱 Can you believe it?! This month has flown by and it is unbelievable to reflect on all that this mighty heart warrior has gone through. She truly is our hero.
The last few days have been busy. We heard through the grapevine of nurses that there was talk of moving us down the hall to a new room but the doctors were still hesitant due to Margaret's history of being "naughty"
😜Well, friends, on Saturday we officially moved rooms and are now residents of a nice bright non-ICU room!
🎉 Margaret likes her new room and we like the privacy that comes with it.
The blood clot in Margaret's leg is still there and has not started to dissolve so now she gets twice daily shots to try and get that resolved. She gets an ultrasound at the end of the week and labs drawn to monitor the progress. So pray this resolves so mom and dad don't have to give her shots when we bring her home!
Bottle feeding/nursing is our biggest goal now and Margaret seems to understand that this is our last big hurdle before going home (gasp! The "h" word!). That's right, the h word is now referenced daily and although we don't have a set date, we all know it's on the horizon!! Working on oral feedings is a slow and careful process. We can't offer too much or too often as it is a LOT more work for a baby with a heart condition compared to a heart healthy baby. Margaret is showing us signs that she is ready for bottle feedings and we have had several successful feedings (teeny tiny amounts of milk to ease her into it). She's looking great and this next week will be an exciting one, that's for sure!
Please continue sending prayers for strength and perseverance for eating and continued healing from surgeries and all of the procedures Margaret has toughed through over the last month. She really is doing well and we can't help but think about how amazing she is!
Fun fact- Margaret's hair seems to be getting a pretty strawberry tint! It's only fitting that a strong girl with her spunky personality would have some red in her hair, right Auntie?
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